K-Kids Club Meeting Kit Guide

How to use the ready-made kits

K-Kids Club, schools and activities have looked different this year. As much as K-Kids Clubs are dedicated to continued service, we’re dedicated to giving you resources that make meeting and serving easy, impactful and fun.

That’s why we created K-Kids Club meeting kits. The kits serve as a resource for club leaders and advisors as clubs adjust to in-person, on-line hybrid ways of meeting. The kits simplify one aspect of running a K-Kids Club, especially in a year full of change. Additionally, they serve as an example of how to operate meetings for club officers. Every kit focuses on a different theme that adds various learning and service options for your club.

Meeting kit pieces

Each meeting kit includes an agenda to guide and organize meetings. There are four parts to each agenda: Introductions, old business, new business and service projects.

1. Introductions.

Kick off each meeting by getting to know members better, introducing guests and playing fun icebreakers.

There are some icebreaker suggestions in each agenda. There also is a complete page of icebreaker resources available for all types of meetings.

2. Old business.

Take time every meeting to review past club projects and ensure tasks are on track.

3. New business.

Every kit focuses on a theme. Some kits center around community issues and ways to serve, while others cover club operations. This section includes resources such as videos, worksheets and discussion questions that dive deeper into each topic.

4. Home and service projects.

After exploring the kit, discuss what type of service project your club will undertake — whether it’s a project for individual members, your club or in partnership with your school or community. The home project zeros in on what individual students and clubs can accomplish at a local level.

How to use the meeting kits

Use the kits how and when you want.

Your club can use the entire kit, use the agenda as a guide and explore corresponding resources within the agenda as you go. Or you can opt to use a few activities, watch videos or choose service project ideas without using the entire agenda to structure your meeting.

Use the kits for any type of meeting.

These ready-made kits were named virtual meeting kits with the goal of helping clubs continue to meet and serve. However, they work equally well for clubs meeting in a hybrid or in-person setting. In addition, the agendas — and individual activities within the agendas — can be used in any order or at any time.

Meeting kit themes

K-Kids Club meeting kits topics:

For more information on the meeting kits and how clubs are using them, watch Kiwanis International’s Lunch with a Leader. Hear from K-Kids Club program specialist and advisor, Laura Holloway, discuss how she used the meeting kits with her club.

No matter how your club is meeting, continue meeting! Use the meeting kits to help.