Videos that relate to topics in the K-Kids experience are available online from other organizations. Here are a few — along with K-Kids activities with which the video might be used:
- Understanding the Perspective of Others and Empathy. Show what empathy looks like before club activities focused on communication, care and empathy. For example, before “Taking Care of Others” on page 9 in The Official Member Handbook.
- Understanding Advocacy and Action. Help students understand advocacy as members consider types of service projects during the “Develop the Passion” section of the IDEA Toolkit for Club Officers.
- Living Philanthropically: Talents. Encourage students to recognize the importance of identifying and using their individual talents. This fits with the “All About Me” activity in the IDEA Toolkit for Club Officers, pages 6-7.
- Asset Mapping: What is it? Get students thinking about community resources that could be useful for service initiatives before beginning the “Community Assessment” activity in the IDEA Toolkit for Club Officers, pages 10-11.
- Connecting Skills and Interests to Community Needs. At the beginning of the year, this video can inspire members to lead informally or formally through committees by using their talents. For example, a good writer can serve as a club reporter, an artist can design marketing pieces and an extrovert can lead member recruitment.