On October 1st, K-Kids members, families, advisors and supporters joined Kiwanis International and Circle K International leaders during a virtual global webinar to kick-off the club year. They joined the event from across the United States, Canada, the Bahamas, Barbados, Jamaica, Granada, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and Malaysia. Members watched as a club or joined with their families from home. To view recordings of the virtual K-Kids Around the World event visit kiwaniskids.org/global-kick-off.
Participants received a warm welcome and enthusiastic support from 2022-23 Kiwanis International President Bert West and Kiwanis Youth Programs Executive Director and event emcee, Michelle Study-Campbell. They received an invitation and encouragement from Liz Sevigny, CKI Board vice president, to partner with Circle K International this year to raise money for UNICEF’s Brick x Brick project during Trick or Treat for UNICEF. They were inspired by amazing K-Kids service projects from across the world and a reading of “If Kids Ran the World” by Leo and Diane Dillon. And the event ended with instructions for this year’s united project, the Kindness Tray Liner and Placemat Service Project. To view recordings of the virtual K-Kids Around the World event and learn how to participate in the united service project, visit kiwaniskids.org/global-kick-off