

The first step in building your club is laying the foundation – finding a place to meet, a supporting sponsor, hands-on advisors and a core group of members to get the club off the ground.

A site 

Your club needs a home base. Depending on the type of club you’re starting, your home site may be a school, community center or other facility.

A Kiwanis sponsor

Usually, a Kiwanis club sponsors a K-Kids club – offering both financial support and hands-on guidance. Your sponsor can help you outline an initial budget for expected expenses.


You’ll need an advisor from your site and one from your local Kiwanis club. Both bring different expertise to the table to help guide your club.


Gather the tools you’ll need to build, grow and lead your club.

The basics: Determine the club structure and organization.

PR tools: Learn responsibilities and print member recruitment tools.

Advisor tips: Review the Advisor Guide. Kiwanis advisors, participate in Kiwanis Youth Protection training and complete a background check.

Recruit club members

A core group of members helps assess the club’s potential, create a prospect list, promote the club and recruit members.


Once the club groundwork is laid, it’s time to get organized. Prepare the petition to charter paperwork, complete Youth Protection Training and make sure Kiwanis advisors to the K-Kids club complete background checks.

Then submit the K-Kids petition to charter paperwork to the Kiwanis International office. Invite new members to join and train club leaders and members to build enthusiasm.


Once your club is official, you’ll be ready to reach out to the community and make a difference through meaningful service projects. This is a great time to start collaborating. Discover club members’ passions. Talk about what your community needs and how your club can help.