Watch videos from the K-Kids Around the World 2022 event

On October 1, 2022, K-Kids advisors and members started the year with a special Saturday webinar on Zoom — joining with their clubs or from home with their families. Watch the event videos of 2022-23 program updates, K-Kids service snapshots, and special guests!

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Program updates with Michelle Study-Campbell and an invitation from Circle K International Vice President Liz Sevigny to partner with CKI for this year’s Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF, which benefits the Brick X Brick Project!

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Hear exciting examples of service projects from K-Kids clubs around the world with Service Leadership Programs Manager Luana Nissan.

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Explorer Josh Estes reads “If Kids Ran the World” by Leo and Diane Dillon.

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Learn how to make Kindness Tray Liners and Placemats for our first-ever united K-Kids service project!

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How to do the Kindness Tray Liner and Placemat Service Project

Learn step-by-step instructions for carrying out the Kindness Tray Liner and Placemat Service Project, starting with conducting community research and gathering supplies. Then the fun part: being creative and kind! Watch the video above or download a PDF of the project instructions below.